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Invisible Beauty by Irene & Sherly


The simplest, most valuable aspect of the Makers program of Invisible Beauty is its ability to create a space where all the employees at Puig find themselves at the same starting point. Everyone involved puts empathy at the forefront and their sole objective is to help develop the young social entrepreneurs’ projects, which each year become more effective thanks to our company’s support.

For this reason we decided to speak in this section with the two people who are mainly responsible for the success of the voting for the Makers projects at our factory in Alcalá de Henares.

Their names are Irene and Sherly.

What does “invisible beauty” mean to you?

IRENE_The capacity of human beings to brighten the lives of those around us, improving them with our actions, even with small everyday gestures.  

SHERLY_ Promoting changes that make the invisible visible, bringing people closer to realities that need a transformation.

What do you like best about the Puig Makers program?

SHERLY_The presentation of the projects. Seeing people’s enthusiasm when they explain their initiatives, and feeling part of this spirit of transformation and collaboration for a better life. It is very satisfying to know that the projects improve thanks to our contributions.

IRENE_What I like the most about the program is that it broadens social initiatives to include everyone who works at Puig. As well as learning about projects being developed in our closest surroundings and beyond them, it offers us all an easy, accessible way of participating in them.

What advice would you give young social entrepreneurs?

SHERLY_ I would tell them never to lose their enthusiasm. They are the real heroes making the world a better place.

IRENE_ I would tell them not to be afraid to stand out or be different because this is what makes us special. We have to be brave, strong and resolute, to never stop believing in our ideas and causes. Always acting out of respect and responsibility towards other people, and not losing sight of the goal that started it all. 

Finally we asked them to continue the sentence “Our world needs more...”. Sherly believes that the key is people such as the Maker entrepreneurs, committed to finding solutions to the world’s problems. Irene summed it up in one word: empathy. “We all have to make an effort every day to put ourselves in other people’s shoes. Understanding and helping in order to progress towards a more humane future

Irene Sánchez and Sherly Mariela Inche Quiquia are HR Executives at the factory in Alcalá de Henares.

The best thing about the IB program is that it broadens solidarity initiatives to include everyone who works at Puig”

Irene. HR Executive from our factory in Alcalá de Henares.

It is very satisfying to know that the projects improve thanks to our contributions”

Sherly. HR Executive from our factory in Alcalá de Henares.